An update letter from Ryan to the Myōbu community to summarize strategy priorities:
Communication and Transparency
It should be expected that the Myōbu team is in frequent contact with the community and helping all investors understand what is going on in a transparent and honest way. We all know that building a game is hard work and can take longer than expected, however, the process and progress should not be a mystery to you. I list several methods below that I will utilize to ensure clear and consistent communication. We will test these ideas out for a month and reassess to see if adjustments are needed:
- Weekly updates — We will provide a bulleted list of updates weekly. Some weeks will simply be “things are progressing on x and y, just as they were last week. We finished z, more card artwork, etc.” Other weeks will have more details. You should generally know what is going on under the hood in any given week. If I am off for vacation, I will let you know so there is no mystery if I am quiet for a while.
- Office hours — I will be available and present to take direct questions in the main chat and in DMs once weekly for 2 hours (day and time to be determined by community vote). You can always ask questions in the main or in my DM, but this will be time that will be dedicated to you for fast replies. I won’t leak non-public information, but I can help clarify any questions.
- Community outreach — Each week, I will directly DM 5 of the most active members, and 5 random members, to check-in, see how they are feeling, listen to their ideas, and just say hi. This community is rich in creativity, connections, ideas for success, and genuinely nice and amazing people. I want to actively engage and learn how we can run this better and to just get to know the people that make Myobu great.
Games and Metaverse
Myōbu is GameFi focused. Product quality is our #1 priority. The plans here will not change much at first, because when people learn about what we are doing, and see our art, they generally like it. However, I want to expand our goals, without slowing us down.
- Hikari, Shinobu, Yume — Games are the priority, with Hikari being the first. Within days you will see the full trailer. Currently, 90% of the Hikari backend is finished, 54 offering cards are done, and 5 kitsune are finished. We will be working with the artists and game devs to wrap the game up as fast as possible for a public beta release, and then we will oversee refinements moving forward.
- Game add-ons and IRL value — If you look at big successful companies like Disney and Nintendo, they maximize value in their products by reusing material. Dev and San have put substantial time, effort, and money into making Hikari. The art is beyond many top 10 card games I have played with my family (we love board and card games). To capitalize on this, we are going to pursue two android/iOS games based on the Hikari art, which will be released on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. These games will come out after Hikari, and generate revenue from ads that will feed directly back into Myōbu. Completion of the games will further connect with the Myobu ecosystem by unlocking rare NFTs that can be used in Hikari and the staking contracts for a bonus to the APY. The full details will not be released yet, as I am still discussing details with game devs and forming a full strategy, but look forward to an updated whitepaper in the coming weeks. Along those same lines, we will be looking to release Hikari as an IRL card game that can be purchased at Board Game shops around the US (and if all goes well, eventually internationally). I am working with a legal team to make sure we follow all legal requirements ( The main idea is to use revenue from the IRL games to feedback into Myōbu. Along these lines, we will also be pursuing IRL advertising once the fiat-to-myobu exchange is available to help bring in more people who are new to cryptocurrency.
- Marketing — Marketing will continue in earnest, with special emphasis on reaching additional countries and accessing larger influencer / broader channels (including IRL).
Community and Cooperation
- Myōbu is nothing without its community and team. People are what make this great, and the games and contracts are just the foundation upon which Myōbuis made. To that end, I want our community to be a welcoming and fair place.
- Fair and kind community — We are a worldwide community and we need to treat each other with respect. Some communities have felt ostracized. Moving forward let’s all agree to be welcoming and kind. Teasing in good spirit is fine, but racism, sexism, etc., or any discrimination will not be tolerated.
- 3 strike rule — Everyone gets a chance to make things right. But repeat offenders, who bring the community down and lower morale, will be banned. This applies to mods as well, but our goal is to build a team of mods where this is not an issue. After a week of being banned, anyone can DM me to ask to be reinstated. A second ban is permanent.
- CEX — An important part of growing our community is to reach people that are investing in cryptocurrency through additional exchanges. Over the next year, our goal is to list on several more CEX. Furthermore, we will explore additional fiat-to-myobu direct purchasing options, beyond the one we currently have lined up.
- Community input — We will be moving toward implementing a DAO, so that the community will have direct voting rights on key Myōbu decisions. Until that is established, we will be using TG polls to get input.
Sustainability and Structure
As the new owner, my goal is to build a bigger team that is responsive, professional, and effective. Myōbu needs to move faster. Like I said above, this will not be a dictatorship.
- Team compensation — The team will be paid, in part to alleviate burnout and to reward the hard work that the team does. Most of the team members put in many hours per week toward Myōbu, hours beyond their IRL jobs. They must be compensated. In full transparency, I will also be paid. But the community wallet belongs to the community. I will not personally take the community wallet money for myself. The community wallet is funds that build up through the taxes on the token. To be accountable, that wallet will be under a multisig authorization so no one person has control of it.
- Team building — We will still have many of the same team members. Neo and Just a Dude will remain part of the team. We happily welcome Princess and Jumboox on as official team members. Any community member that wants to get involved and help, please DM me. The more hands-on-deck, the faster we can move. Also, because Dev and San will be in advisory roles moving forward, we will be posting a job requisition for a Solidity and/or web developers to help with new updates, additions, and added features to the development already in place. We already have connections to a few devs who may be a great fit. We will interview them to ensure they are right for Myōbu. In the meantime, we have connections started for devs that we need. Some previous Myobu smart contracts were written by hired 3rd party devs, which work well. We can hire multiple devs during strategic times to move fast when needed. Solidity work is finished for the near-term, thus, not having a dedicated dev is not an immediate issue. The focus is on the games, which have their own devs and artists. Once the transition of me as owner is complete, we will list the team members and their roles on our website.
Get to know us
I find it valuable to know who is running a company or token, and who the team members are. In the next few days, I will fully dox and have a “Get to Know Us” AMA. You can learn more about how we think, who we are, and what we hope to do for Myōbu.
Let’s get after it together folks!
Ryan Renslow